Experiencing any type of discrimination or assault can be extremely stressful. Our goal is to provide a clear, supportive process for the university community. Here’s information on the process.


The process starts with a complaint. To file a complaint against a student or to communicate a concern about a student who may have experienced sexual harassment, 性侵犯, 跟踪, dating or domestic violence, 或者仇恨犯罪, 完成 Student of Concern/Conduct Reporting Form. 学生亦可联络 史蒂文Pinkenburg, Dean of Students, at 512-448-8408.

Different people on campus have different abilities to maintain your confidentiality, depending on their roles at the university. 在校园, some resources may maintain your confidentiality, offering you options and advice without any obligation to tell anyone unless you want them to. Other resources are expressly there for you to report crimes and policy violations, and they will take action when you make a report to them. More information on the hearing process and sanctions that the university may impose are outlined in the 学生行为准则.



For 第九条 cases, here’s a 视觉流程图 of the reporting process for students when making a complaint of sex/gender harassment, discrimination and misconduct.  For complaints of sex/gender harassment, discrimination and misconduct that are deemed 第九条, please find a different visual flow chart.